Summer Detox

Summer is a wonderful time to start a detox diet. With the arrival of warm weather along with organic fresh fruit and vegetables, it is much easier to detoxify.Summer is a wonderful time to start a de

Should You Try Stoplight Foods For Weight Loss?

There are many ways you might decide what to eat when you’re trying to lose weight: You could read nutrition labels and count calories, follow a points system, or stick to a diet that tells you


10 Tips to Help Fit in Fitness Every Day!

It’s not always easy to fit time for a full workout into your busy day; however, there are ways you can fit fitness into your day, even if you forgo the gym.Sometimes, getting through the day (between

12 Bad Habits That Kill Your Metabolism

You may already suspect your metabolism slows as you age. According to research in the Public Health Nutrition journal, you’re right. In a review of data on energy expenditure, researchers found

The Lean, Green Supermodel Diet Anyone Can Do

\"\"How do supermodels stay so thin?AP Photo/Richard DrewIt makes sense though right? Eating clean green food keeps junk l

Where Have All the Monarchs Gone?

Learn about monarch butterflies, their amazing migration, why they\'re struggling, and what we can do to help protect them.Monarch butterflies are a tropical species, and like other tropical insects, t

8 Workout Tweaks to Boost Weight Loss

When you’re trying to lose weight, exercise is an important part of the equation. Though most experts agree working out on its own isn’t usually enough to lose weight, there are plenty of reason

Homegrown Savoury and Sweet

In spring and summer, we enjoy the wealth of herbal diversity at our local produce market. Planting our own herbal gardens will not only provide us with fresh fodder for our summer meals but will also

Zone Diet: What You Need to Know

\"\"The zone diet is all about moderation. See more weight loss tips pictures.Nicholas Eveleigh/Photodisc/Getty Images­The

Organic Chic

If you think bamboo is for pandas and hemp is for rope, you’ll be surprised at the booming organic clothing industry. It’s great for the environment–and even better for fashion-conscious shoppers.If y

Eating à la Italia for Joint Wellness

The Mediterranean diet may \"suppress disease activity in patients who have modestly active rheumatoid arthritis.The Mediterranean diet may “suppress disease activity in patients who have modestly acti

Rejuvenate Winter Skin

Has harsh winter weather left your skin dry, cracked, and irritable? To deliver maximum moisture, choose hyaluronic acid and revel in its skin healing benefits.Has harsh winter weather and indoor heat


Now Is The Perfect Time to Start a Mobility Practice

Whether you foam roll during workout warmups or do neck circles whenever you feel a bit of extra tightness, you likely already do some mobility work. But most people don’t make mobility exercise

7 Negative Thoughts That Sabotage Your Weight-Loss Goals

Setting a goal to lose weight and improve your nutrition habits is a great first step in the journey to getting healthier. Still, it’s fair to acknowledge losing weight comes with challenges. Ma

Wildlife Wednesday: Cuban Crocodile

On this Wildlife Wednesday, we’re learning about the Cuban crocodile. Warning: they jump.They’re snarky, long-lived, and unusually well adapted for a stroll on land. On this Wildlife Wednesday, let’s

Negative Ions

Allergies, depression, and asthma - what do these have in common? Researchers have been conducting experiments to alleviate or cure these with negative ionAllergies, seasonal affective disorder (SAD),

5 Issues Standing Between You and Deeper Squats

Squats are undeniably one of the most important movements you can do. Not only do they help you develop a strong lower body and core, but they’re easy to perform both without equipment and with

15 Things Nobody Tells You About Weight Loss

It’s easy to go into a weight-loss journey with all sorts of expectations about what you have to do to lose weight, how you’ll feel along the way, and when you’ll be satisfied with the results.

Should You Pause Your Weight-Loss Efforts Over the Holidays?

Trying to lose weight any time of year can be tricky. But it can be even more challenging during the holidays. It’s one thing to have a big event to contend with, but the holidays encompass an e

10 Tips to Overcome a Weight-Loss Plateau

So you stopped drinking soda and bringing ice cream into the house, and the weight started to peel off. This boosted your confidence, so you joined a gym to burn some extra calories on the stati

Homemade Ice Cream

Nothing says summer like a heaping scoop of chocolate-chip cookie dough in a waffle cone. Although it takes a little longer than lining up at your local shop, making homemade ice cream allows you to n

Has Green Come Clean?

When \"eco-friendliness\" began stuffing shelves, alive told readers about greenwashing, a marketing trend where corporations were greening up merely by saying so.Two years ago when “eco-friendliness” b
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Brush Up!

Are your makeup brushes harbouring bugs? Are those sponges looking suspect? Great makeup starts with clean beauty products and tools. We use cosmetics to take care of ourselves, but we also need to ta

How to Build a Home Gym on the Fly

With many gyms across the world closed for the foreseeable future, people who never exercised at home are scrambling for the right equipment and tools to get an effective workout from their livi


Inline skating is a great aerobic workout that the entire family can use to help stay in shape. Some people enjoy taking long leisurely skates, while others use inline skating for intense cardiovascul

Cannabis Cosmetics

Hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) is one of the healthiest, nontoxic, and abundant sources of oil. Beauty products made from organic, cold-pressed hempseed oil are great for skin, scalp, nails, and hair b

Tantalizing Tomatoes

Tomato, tomahto—no matter how you pronounce it, these rich red orbs spoil us at this time of year. The popularity of heirloom tomatoes is exploding, so why not try out a new variety? Find out how to m


Hold the Gluten? Here’s Why That May Not Be a Good...

\"\"Gluten-free products can be found on store shelves nearly everywhere now. But what goes in when gluten comes out? Jeff

Adult Acne

Herbal Iced Teas

Muira Puama

Healing Gardens


Your Best Summer Skin

Flaunt glowing, healthy skin this summer. Cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and protect your skin so you can put your best face forward.Summer is a time to flaunt glowing, healthy skin. Hemlines are sho

The Downside of Sugary Sport Food For Athletes

Athletes need to keep energy levels high during training and competitions — and an obvious, convenient part of that includes consuming sugary sport foods. These sport foods — Think: bars, gus, g

Kitchen Corner: Mega Milks

Fresh, delicious, dairy-free, homemade milk is quick, easy, and awesome. We promise.Smoothies, oatmeal, morning coffee, sauces, and yes, even the occasional dessert, milk is a daily, sometimes hourly

Is Flavored Sparkling Water Killing Your Weight-Loss Goals?

Take a stroll through the bottled water section of any grocery store, and you’ll notice bottles and bottles of different types of water. Sparkling, flavored, mineral, electrolyte — you name it.