Face Winter Head On


Face Winter Head On

We do a lot of things to prepare for the winter months. Why not extend that same care to your skin? Try these winter skin tips to keep your complexion glowing.

We do a lot of things to prepare for the winter months–install storm windows, mount the car’s snow tires, dig out the snow shovel. Why not extend that same care to your skin?

Here are some simple steps to prepare for winter and keep your skin moisturized all season long.

Get a Humidifier

The air gets very dry in winter when we turn up the heat and close the windows. Running a humidifier keeps the air moist and your skin supple.

Keep Using SPF

Just because the summer months have passed doesn’t mean sun protection should end. Sun damages our healthy skin cells, which leads to wrinkles and skin cancer. Be sure to use at least SPF 15 on your face and lips, and reapply if you are outdoors for an extended period of time.

Protect Your Skin Outside as Well

Supply yourself with thick hats, gloves, and scarves and be sure to wear them to cover your face and hands. Wrapping up well will cut down on skin chapping and drying.

Cool Showers are Better

We love to linger in a hot, steamy shower. But, especially during the winter, a cool shower is much better for your skin. Pat dry and then apply thick, rich cremes that contain ingredients such as shea butter and vitamin E.

You’re a bath person? Add drops of oil to the water to replace any moisture lost.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

You keep your body smooth, but what about your face? Switch to an oil-based moisturizer or something that contains more oil than water to protect against loss of moisture. Put away your alcohol-based toners as they will only further dry your skin.

Drink Plenty of Water and Eat Well

Think about it–if you’re hydrating on the inside, it will help to keep your skin hydrated as well. While you’re at it, increase your intake of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as cold-water fish and flaxseeds–your skin will thank you!

Don’t Forget Your Hands and Feet

While you may be focusing on your face and body, be sure to take care of dry and cracked hands and feet. Slather soles and palms, toes and fingers with creme before bed and then cover with socks and gloves to wake up with soft, hydrated skin.

This winter, stock up on beauty products from your natural health store to replenish, rejuvenate, and nourish your skin during these colder months.


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