The Important Role NEAT Plays in Metabolism

Many of us are looking to maximize our daily activity and caloric output. However, there’s only so much exercise one can realistically and healthfully fit into a day. But there are other ways to

5 Tips For Hitting Goals Faster With a Virtual Accountability Partner

During chillier months, it’s easy to get sidetracked with your go-to fitness routine. Perhaps it’s a little too cold to make your way to the gym (that is, if it’s even open) or log your usual mo

6 Ways Flexible Meal Prep Can Help You Shed Pounds

Sunday social media can provide such a beautiful sight: An entire counter taken up by hard-boiled eggs, roasted chicken breast, colorful veggies and perfectly fluffy brown rice — all ready to go

6 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Alive

A new year and resolutions to improve health go hand-in-hand. For many, it might mean changing exercise routines, implementing strength training or making time to meal prep. While these are grea

10 Healthy Date Night Ideas That Support Weight Loss

Whether you’re going out with someone new or enjoying quality time with your long-term partner, the best date nights often have a few things in common: fun, relaxation and delicious food. As suc

7 Non-Scale Fitness Goals That Go Beyond Weight Loss

According to the CDC National Health Survey, about half of all Americans try to lose weight at some point during a given year, making it one of the most common goals. This endeavor can be a heal

Better Gut Health Could Reduce Belly Fat, Says Science

If you’ve been hearing talk about gut health lately, it’s for good reason — experts know it plays an important role in overall health. Previous research shows the bacteria and other microbes liv

5 Thinking Traps to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

Every weight-loss journey is different, but shedding pounds and keeping them off requires creating sustainable healthy habits with nutrition and fitness. Another thing that can make or break los

What to Do When You Blow Your Calorie Budget

Lasting change starts with small, sustainable habits, like sipping on water throughout the day, cooking more at home, and moving your body regularly. Still, you’re only human, and it’s natural s

6 Healthy Pandemic Habits That Support Weight Loss

At the start of the pandemic, it was understandably hard to transition from an office space to working from home and figure out how to get in a good workout at home instead of at the gym. If you

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