Should You Wash Your Fitness Devices and Shoes After a Walk?

In the midst of stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, thankfully, it’s still OK to take a walk while keeping a safe distance of at least six feet between you and other people (though, if you’re u

Science Says Walking Helps You Feel Less Anxious

With the global coronavirus pandemic dominating headlines (and your thoughts), it’s almost impossible not to feel a little anxious right now. “It’s a time when all of us are in need of healthy w

10 Ways to Make Bodyweight Exercises Harder

Bodyweight workouts are convenient and effective, particularly if you’re working out at home or outdoors without access to equipment. But as you get fitter, your body adapts and gets better at t

The Perfect Playlist, According to Science

The next time you lace up your sneakers, crank up the tunes. Working out to music can increase endurance, improve performance and reduce the perception of fatigue, according to 2020 research. MU

6 Ways to Add Distance to Your Walking Routine

Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise (even during shelter-at-home) — it can help keep your mind sharp, boost your heart health, and even ease lower back pain. If you’re feelin

Science Says: Endurance Exercise Helps Counteract Sitting

For years, we’ve heard warnings about living a sedentary lifestyle, including dire statements that “sitting is the new smoking.” Unfortunately, for many people, sitting occupies the majority of

Your Do-Anywhere Guide to Stair Workouts

Getting into a regular walking routine is a great way to improve overall fitness and shed pounds. To keep it enjoyable and challenging, it’s a good idea to add variety to your workouts. One grea

4 Kettlebell Mistakes You Might Be Making

Using kettlebells is a one-way ticket to feeling like a superhero in the gym. Kettlebell swings are the building blocks of a legit workout. They’re also pretty easy to do incorrectly. “Kettlebel

5 Issues Standing Between You and Deeper Squats

Squats are undeniably one of the most important movements you can do. Not only do they help you develop a strong lower body and core, but they’re easy to perform both without equipment and with

How to Enhance Your Workouts With Virtual Reality

Just as technology has changed the way we work, consume content and keep in touch with our friends, tech-based innovations have modified the way we exercise. These days, you can livestream class

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