How to Reap the Benefits of Walking to Work

Whether you’re an essential worker or your office is starting to reopen, you might consider walking to work as a way to minimize time spent on public transportation. It’s also a great way to up

Does Exercise Increase or Decrease Hunger?

From building muscle to burning calories to keeping your heart strong, exercise affects your body in many ways. Exercise — especially long and intense exercise — can even change how your body re

Types of Carbs to Avoid Before Working Out

You know by now carbohydrates are an essential component of a good pre-workout snack or meal. After all, carbohydrate-rich foods provide your muscles with easy-to-use energy, so you can fly thro

Everything You Need to Know About Muscle Fiber Types

Your muscles help power your every move — from walking to running to sprinting. And your muscles are made up of countless cells known as muscle fibers. These hard-working muscle fibers are split

The Basics of Eating Before or After an Intense Walk

Knowing whether or not you should eat before a workout can be tricky — some believe eating a small bite provides extra energy, while others swear by fasted cardio and want to avoid side effects

How to Do Outdoor Workouts Safely Right Now

When the gyms closed, we had to get creative with our at-home workouts and venture outside to walk, run and bike. Exercising outdoors provides a powerful double whammy — you get the benefits of

Walking More Could Help You Sleep Better, According to Science

Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining healthy energy levels, proper hormonal balance and aiding weight loss, yet an estimated 30% of American adults sleep fewer than six hours per ni

Does Standing Burn Enough Calories to Aid Weight Loss?

Fans of standing desks say they can help you get out of your chair more throughout the day, counteracting the negative health effects of too much sitting. But when it comes to weight loss, a sta

Do Late Workouts Really Mess With Sleep?

Sleep and exercise have a mutually beneficial relationship. Exercise, for example, tends to help you sleep better. “If you exercise at any point during the day, it’s going to improve your sleep

How Gyms Are Reopening and Steps to Stay Safe

With states easing stay-at-home restrictions, that means most gyms are beginning to reopen, but don’t expect to go back to the old days of packed treadmill areas, sweaty weight benches, and shou

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