Should You Stretch Before Walking?

Walking might be one of the most underrated forms of exercise. In addition to benefits like heart health and weight loss, walking can also improve your mood and cognitive health. Even though wal

Now Is The Perfect Time to Start a Mobility Practice

Whether you foam roll during workout warmups or do neck circles whenever you feel a bit of extra tightness, you likely already do some mobility work. But most people don’t make mobility exercise

What’s the Risk of Going Back to Group Fitness Classes?

Online fitness classes have helped you stay fit — and sane — since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but using your living room as a fitness studio was meant to be a temporary fix. As states start li

5 Tips For Easing Back Into Gym Workouts

Gyms are slowly and carefully reopening across the country. If you were an avid gym-goer prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, you’re probably chomping at the bit to get back into your workout routine

The Problem With Walking in Flip-Flops

Summer is when you get to dress casually and spend as much time as possible outdoors. If you’re trying to increase your step count this summer, you may be tempted to wear flip-flops on daily wal

Why Your Joints May Pop and Crack During a Workout

Snap, crackle, pop — does it ever sound like you may have breakfast cereal in your joints as you’re working out? All that popping and cracking is normal to some degree, but there are factors tha

Why You Shouldn’t Use Exercise to ‘Earn’ Your Food

Have you ever said to yourself, “I can only go out for dinner with friends if I go to a 60-minute cycle class first”? Or, “Once I run off 600 calories, I can get my favorite dessert from the bak

What Counts as Moderate-Intensity Walking?

Walking is one of the most simple and accessible forms of exercise you can do regularly. Adding it to your routine can make a big difference in weight control. One study found the average person

Why Group Workouts (Even Virtual Ones) Are Better Together

Ever noticed how you tend to push yourself harder when you’re working out with a buddy, in a group class or as part of a team? If so, you’re onto something. There’s a psychological phenomenon, k

The Difference Between Forward and Reverse Lunges

Forward and reverse lunges may simply look like mirror images of the same movement, but there’s more to these leg-strengthening exercises than meets the eye. Though forward and reverse lunges ha

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