Find Your Voice

Something bothering you? Do something about it. It sounds simple, but activism is all about standing up for what you believe in. This can occur in many forms, whether online or in your local community

Noise Pollution

We all know about the dangers of environmental pollution—but what about noise pollution? Noise caused by construction, traffic, trains, and airplanes can negatively impact our health. Read on to find

Knee-Strengthening Exercises

Forget the human condition—knee pain is the one unifying force that most of us have experienced on some level. A sprain, a twist, a dislocation, a bruise; certain acute injuries are unavoidable. But m

Bee hotels? Whatever next!

You’d better bee-lieve it, hotels especially for bees are the newest answer to the rapidly declining pollinator bee population.A new kind of luxury hotel is popping up all over Canada. It’s completely

CanPrev Natural Health Products

This year marks the 10th anniversary of CanPrev Natural Health Products. Based in Toronto, this all-Canadian company has certainly made its mark on the natural health industry in a very short time. Ta

Coffee, tea, or…Disinsection?

If you have a flight coming up, you might get more than juice and a movie. Disinsection is the term used to describe the spraying of aircraft with insecticide.If you have a long-haul flight coming up,

Negative Ions

Allergies, depression, and asthma - what do these have in common? Researchers have been conducting experiments to alleviate or cure these with negative ionAllergies, seasonal affective disorder (SAD),

Has Green Come Clean?

When \"eco-friendliness\" began stuffing shelves, alive told readers about greenwashing, a marketing trend where corporations were greening up merely by saying so.Two years ago when “eco-friendliness” b

Exercise your love of nature

Research findings show there are benefits to mental and physical well-being from exercising outdoors in a natural environment over exercising indoors.As anyone who shuns gym workouts for exercise in t

Copper reduces hospital-acquired infections

Hospital-acquired infections is a serious problem. Researchers say switching to antimicrobial copper in hospital rooms may dramatically decrease the number of infections.Copper is a valuable metal. Ju

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